Science and Religion with Dr Andrew J Pyle with drinks afterwards

14th of November, doors open 1730, talk starts 1800, Greenbank Lecture Theatre. Join the Facebook Event, ourAndrew Pyle Poster SU Group and like us on Facebook and Twitter.

Andrew is the author of ‘Locke’ and a Reader in Early Modern Philosophy at Bristol University.

“Since the late nineteenth century, the supposed “warfare” between science and religion has been a popular theme, drawing endorsements from Thomas Huxley down to Richard Dawkins. Opponents of the conflict thesis have tended to champion thesis of an essentially harmonious relation between the claims of science and those of religion. There is, of course, a third possibility, that of “separate spheres” or “non-overlapping magisteria”, as argued by Stephen Jay Gould in his Rocks of Ages. In this talk I address the question both from the point of view of a historian of science and from that of a philosopher, and re-assess the strength of the evidence for the three rival views, conflict, harmony, and separate spheres.” – Dr Andrew J Pyle